Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 8

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

Last time, things didn’t go so well with Cinderella. Now she was a teenager and in charge of cooking and cleaning up the house, she had trouble combining her household duties with school and an afterschool job.

27-12-14_18-35With the kids aging up, the bathroom got too crowded every morning. Eight family members and just one bathroom was insane. So Snow and Philip saved some money and added an extra addition to the house – an attic with a bedroom, and a smaller room on the second floor.

27-12-14_18-35-2A view of the house from the other side.

27-12-14_18-44Cinderella was in no better condition than the last time we saw her. When she returned home from school, the house was still a mess. The computer had broken down. She’d repaired it, but it left a smelly mess on the floor. The table was filled with homework and books, and Cinderella thought she smelled like the sewers. Oh, how she longed for a bath!

27-12-14_18-56By the time she finished cleaning the kitchen, it was time for her job. She wanted to take a day off, but she’d only just started and that would leave a bad impression.

27-12-14_18-57Before leaving, she grabbed the garbage bin to put it outside. It was hard when all responsibilities fell on her shoulders. Snow and Philip were so busy taking care of the kids and working for their jobs they barely had time to clean or cook.

27-12-14_19-01When she came home from work, Cinderella made her homework while chatting with Philip and Adelaide.

27-12-14_19-14After finishing her homework, Cinderella cooked dinner for the family.

27-12-14_21-52-2Adelaide and Helena turned into teenagers! Unfortunately everyone was too busy to host a birthday party, which left both of them a little sad. At least there’s food to cheer them up. Adelaide changed her looks to sport a ponytail and a one-piece suit.

27-12-14_21-52Helena changed her looks too, and decided to put on a summer dress. She wasn’t as bothered by the forgotten birthday as her sister, and immediately started doing her homework.

27-12-14_21-53Snow and Philip felt bad though and they had a chat with Helena and helped her do her homework.

27-12-14_21-55Christian and Derek joined the family for dinner.

27-12-14_22-22Helena wanted to work on her mental skills, so she took up playing chess.

27-12-14_22-26Cinderella wanted to spend some time with her siblings, so after a long nap and a shower, she joined Helena for a game of chess.

27-12-14_22-30Snow’s birthday was coming up too. She phoned some friends to come over and celebrate.

27-12-14_22-31Snow started baking a cake for her birthday. Philip, Derek and Sarah came downstairs for the party.

27-12-14_22-33Time to blow out the candles! Snow Charming is aging from a young adult into an adult. Happy birthday, Snow!

What will happen in the next part? Will Derek and Christian fulfill their aspirations before turning into teenagers? Will Cinderella turn into a young adult and start her own legacy soon? And how about Sarah?

Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 7

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

Last time we saw the Charming family, their oldest daughter, Cinderella, had just turned into a teenager, but we didn’t get a glimpse of her looks yet.

27-12-14_16-16She grew up as a black-haired teenager, resembling her Mom, but with her Dad’s eyes. However, she needed a little makeover to look more like the fairytale version of Cinderella.

27-12-14_16-24No time to take a picture. As soon as she had her birthday makeover, Cinderella had to repair the bath, clean it, and clean the wash basin in the bathroom.

27-12-14_16-25She also had to clean the kitchen. Her birthday party had left quite the mess, so she had a done of work to make everything clean again.

27-12-14_16-29Snow ate a piece of birthday cake while Philip took a nap and Cinderella chatted with her younger sister, Adelaide.

27-12-14_16-32Cinderella did the dishes afterward. She was so exhausted and ready for bed! The party, and all the cleaning, had worn her out.

27-12-14_16-34But she couldn’t go to bed yet. She had to do her homework first, or else she’d never keep up those A’s.

27-12-14_16-36By the time she finished homework, Cinderella was starving. She cooked dinner and called the rest of the family down for dinner.

27-12-14_16-44Helena asked some friends over and they played on the pirate ship until way past bedtime.

27-12-14_16-50Snow joined Cinderella for breakfast. She loved the delicious food Cinderella had cooked up, and mentioned she’d be a great chef.

27-12-14_16-51Cinderella had one last task left before she could finally take a needed nap – put all the books in the house on the shelves.

27-12-14_17-12Cinderella was so tired she had to drag herself to the bedroom. Poor girl wanted a nap so badly. Unfortunately she couldn’t go to bed just yet, because it was time for her job. Since becoming a teenager, she took on a job at a fast food place. Low wages, but at least she got to work in a kitchen.

27-12-14_17-20Hours later, Cinderella returned home from work. She didn’t like her work outfit, and she was in a bad mood.

27-12-14_17-20-2On her way to the bedroom, Cinderella collapsed on the floor.

27-12-14_17-21Meanwhile, Derek reached his aspiration of Rambunctious Scamp and won a typing competition. Huray!

27-12-14_17-34After a quick nap, Cinderella had to get up again. The sink broke, and with no one else around to fix it, she had to.

27-12-14_17-35Cinderella felt so dirty. She’d cleaned the house from top to bottom, but she hadn’t slept in ages, or taken a shower, or had some fun. Being a teenager sucked.

What will happen next? Will Cinderella get some sleep, and maybe clean up a little? So far, she hasn’t enjoyed being a teenager very much. Hopefully that’ll change soon. And now Derek, Adelaide and Helena saw their aspirations fulfilled, will Sarah and Christian finish theirs soon?

Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 6

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

When we last left the Charming family, Snow and Philip were the proud parents of five kids, and a little baby girl. Cinderella had an A in school, but struggled to meet her aspiration – Artistic Prodigy. Adelaide and Helena had Bs and worked hard to up their grades, and Derek and Christian struggled to even get Bs.

27-12-14_14-34Sarah grew up to be a beautiful young girl. She wore stylish clothes, and had the same hair color as her Mom. Sarah’s aspiration was Artistic Prodigy, so now she could start working toward those goals. Snow was so proud of her youngest daughter.

27-12-14_14-39Time for another expansion. With Sarah now a child, she needed a room of her own. But with Cinderella being the oldest, she moved to a new room, and Cinderella’s old room now became Sarah’s room. Snow and Philip also bought a chemistry set for the kids after Adelaide asked for one.

27-12-14_14-46 Sarah was very talkative, and immediately became friends with her brothers and sisters.

27-12-14_15-13The new upstairs floor looked like a paradise for kids. Each room had a different color scheme, and there was room for all the kids to sleep and play.

27-12-14_15-37With so many kids around, the house seemed like a kid’s paradise, especially when Helena invited her new friends – the neighbor’s kids. Snow gathered them all around the table for some family social time. All except Derek, who practicsed typing on the computer. As usual, Cinderella wanted to have the stage while she cracked jokes.

27-12-14_15-39The neighbor kids and Helena became fast friends, which was no surprise given how sociable Helena was.

27-12-14_15-56Philip prepared dinner for the kids. When he was finished, the refridgerator broke and he had to repair it. Focusing on the task wasn’t easy with ten kids in his house!

27-12-14_16-00Next up, the toilet broke. Poor Philip – he hoped his wife came home from work soon so she’d help manage this crazy bunch.

27-12-14_16-02Philip couldn’t take it anymore, he had to take a nap. Meanwhile, the house was overrun by kids chatting in the dining room, Sarah playing the violin in the living room and Derek typing on the computer. A kid’s paradise, but for the grown ups, not so much.

27-12-14_16-03All the kids had dinner togerher, and they had a blast. It was one of the best days of Helena’s life, to have all her friends over and have them meet her brothers and sisters.

27-12-14_16-06After dinner, Sarah played the violin some more. She really wanted to reach her Artistic Prodigy aspiration.

27-12-14_16-07While Derek typed on the computer, Cinderella played on the floor with one of her action figures.

27-12-14_16-08Cinderella cleaned up the mess from dinner, washing the plates and making sure to kitchen looked tidy and clean again.

27-12-14_16-09Snow and Adelaide played on the pirate boat. Adelaide looked for sea monsters, while Snow played the sea monster and tried to keep hidden.

27-12-14_16-14It was almost Cinderella’s birthday! To celebrate, Snow and Philip hired a caterer, who happened to be one of Helena’s friends. Cinderella loved her birthday party! She talked to everyone and had a blast. She’d reached her Artistic Prodigy aspiration a day before, and she had straight A’s in school, so she was ready to turn into a teenager!

27-12-14_16-14-2Meanwhile, Snow made a birthday cake for her oldest daughter and lit the candles. Then she called Cinderella over and asked her to blow out the candles.

27-12-14_16-15Cinderella blew out the candles and changed into a teenager!

What will Cinderella look like as a teenager? Will the other kids reach their aspirations and goals? What will happen next to the Charming family?

Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 5

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

When we left the Charming family, Snow was pregnant with their sixth child, and the other children had just received a pirate ship to play on. All kids were still working on getting A’s and completing their aspirations. With another kid on the way, and Snow and Philip both getting promoted at work, they decided to expand their house a little more.

27-12-14_10-01They added an extension to the kitchen. The old kitchen was just too small for a family this large, and now they had more space to cook.

27-12-14_10-01-2They added an extension to the pack as well, where Snow and Philip moved their bedroom. When it was just the two of them, they didn’t need privacy, but with this many kids running in and out, they needed a place where they could relax by themselves.

27-12-14_10-04Snow had a blast decorating the new bedroom. It would be a safe haven just for Snow and Philip. No kids allowed.

27-12-14_10-04-2The kitchen extension looked great as well, and there was more room to cook. The breakfast bar was a little small, with only two seats and now they had a family of eight. So Snow decided it was time to add a dining table, and move the living room to the other side of the house.

27-12-14_10-10The house looked great with the new dining table added. And at least now there was enough room for everyone to sit down and enjoy family meals.

27-12-14_10-24While Snow finished redecorating the house, Philip took the kids outside to play on their pirate ship. He played as a sea monster, and the kids tried to defeat him. They had a blast.

27-12-14_10-43Snow enjoyed a nice family dinner with Derek, Adelaide and Cinderella in the new dining room. They ate spaghetti, and it tasted delicious. Christian came from downstairs to join them.

27-12-14_10-51Afterward, Cinderella and Adelaide did their homework together.

27-12-14_11-50Snow received a promotion at work, and now she had to do some extra chores after work each day. She had to practice writing – which she didn’t mind, because she loved storytelling. She often wrote children’s books, inspired by her own kids.

27-12-14_12-49The next morning, Helena gave her Mom a hug before heading to school. Another school day! Cinderella had an A average, but Adelaide and Helena only had a B, so they had some catching up to do.

27-12-14_13-03When they came home from school, Adelaide and Helena worked hard on their homework, while Cinderella practiced playing the violin, and Christian took a much-deserved nap.

27-12-14_13-10Once they finished homework, Snow called all the children downstairs for a family meal. She had some back problems, and the baby kicked a few times during dinner. Hopefully the baby will arrive soon.

27-12-14_13-14The next day, the new baby was born! Another baby girl. Snow and Philip called her Sarah. Her aspiration was Artistic Prodigy, and her trait was Lazy.

27-12-14_13-41The girls were thrilled when they came from school and saw their baby sister. But Snow insisted they had to finish homework first before they could play with their kid sister. To speed things up, she helped them out a little.

27-12-14_13-43Adelaide finished homework first. She rushed over to Sarah’s crib and started talking to her kid sister. She was so excited about the new addition to the family.

With five kids and a baby, the Charming family household is always busy. What will happen next? Will Adelaide and Helena get an A in school? And how about Derek and Christian? Will Cinderella achieve their aspirations, and will Snow and Philip get a promotion at work?

Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 4

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

When we last saw Philip and Snow Charming, they were at it again. Their baby girls, Adelaide and Helena had just been born, and their eldest daughter, Cinderella, just turned into a child, but even though so, they tried for a new baby right away.


Snow woke up the next morning suffering from morning sickness. Pregnant, again?


Adelaide and Helena grew up into two beautiful children. Helena liked to socialize with people, and whenever Snow wasn’t around to talk to, she chatted with other kids in one of the children’s chat rooms. Helena desperately wanted to make new friends.


Adelaide wanted to be Whiz Kid, so she loved playing chess. She invited her sister to join her, and of course, Helena wanted to play.


The three sisters get along great. When Adelaide and Helena came downstairs after playing chess, they found Cinderella sitting on the couch, and immediately they started chatting about their day.


Philip tried to cook his girls breakfast after Snow left for work. With three hungry bellies to feed, he had no choice but to give it a shot.


Snow came home from work, and her belly showed. She also brought a friend home. With Snow pregnant again, the house is starting to feel crowded and messy. Time for a good cleaning.


Snow loved being a Mom though. After she finished cleaning the house (with Cinderella’s help) she took the time to read Cinderella a bedtime story.


Although she should’ve been asleep already, Cinderella stayed awake a while longer to work on a drawing for her Mom. She loved her new crafts table, and drawing always made her relax. She hoped Snow would like it.


The next day, Snow gave birth to two twin boys. She called them Derek and Christian Charming. Derek wanted to be a Rambunctious Scamp and Christian wanted to be a Whiz Kid. Derek was hot-headed and Christian had the insane trait. Both of them were quite a handful, especially with the three girls already in the house.


Snow and Philip saved some money from their jobs and decorated a room for the boys. The room was decorated in all shades of blue, and they had enough money left to buy a giant stuffed teddybear. Although Philip and Snow had built the second floor only recently, it was already getting quite cramped with all the kids.


Snow, Philip and Cinderella had breakfast while the twin girls were still asleep. The boys kept quiet too, although they interrupted breakfast once, demanding breakfast of their own.


When she woke up, Adelaide asked Snow if she wanted to play chess with her. Being a family person, Snow of course couldn’t refuse. She thought it would be easy, and that she’d beat Adelaide in a matter of seconds. But the little girl surprised her! In the end, Adelaide won the game.


The next morning, Snow surprised Philip by showing up in the bathroom while he was busy repairing the sink. Philip thought himself a real handyman, so he wanted to do all the repairs in the house, and he preferred not to be bothered while doing so. “I’m pregnant again,” Snow told him while stuffing down some food – after all, she was eating for two again. Philip was so surprised he almost fell face down in the sink.


Luckily, Derek and Christian grew up just in time, because three babies in the house would’ve driven Philip and Snow nuts! Derek and Christian enjoyed doing all kinds of things together, from doing homework in their room to playing chess.


With five kids running around, there just wasn’t enough room in the house. The kids conspired together and put Derek up with the task of asking Snow for more toys. Snow couldn’t say no, but because they needed all the space they had in the house, she decided to buy them something to play with outdoors.


The kids loved the new pirate ship Snow and Philip bought for them. They immediately started playing. Derek especially was very fond of it – he and Adelaide shot at sea monsters while Cinderella kept an eye out for more monsters, and Christian was the captain of the boat. The kids loved it, and Snow and Philip liked seeing all their kids play together, like one big, happy family.

Will Snow’s next child be a boy or a girl? Or another set of twins? Will Snow and Philip be able to cope with so many kids in the house without going crazy? And will all the kids be able to achieve their aspirations?

Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 3

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

When we last visited Snow and Philip Charming, they’d just had a baby girl who they named Cinderella Charming.

26-12-14_14-08Look who is repairing the fridge? The fridge broke down just after Snow prepared dinner. The kitchen floor is soaked! And take a look at that belly…Yes, Snow is pregnant again. She and Philip tried for another baby soon after Cinderella, and it worked right away.

26-12-14_14-12With Snow pregnant again, she needed some extra attention from her husband. Philip gave her a back rub, and she loved it.

26-12-14_14-14A now very pregnant Snow is having dinner while sitting next to her daughter. Cinderella will grow up soon, and Snow wonders what she’ll look like. Will she have Snow’s hair color? Will she have her father’s eyes?

26-12-14_15-07Cinderella grew up to be a beautiful little girl. She has black hair and looks adorable. Her aspiration is “Artistic Prodigy” and her trait is “Neat”. Since she’ll be doing most of the cleaning in the house, that sounds about right.

26-12-14_15-15Our heir needs a new room, and Snow and Philip did their best to decorate one in pink. The room has cute furniture, a desk and a playbox. Cinderella loved the room, and went to sleep in her new bed right away.

26-12-14_15-16Philip decided to have dinner on bed for some reason, and Snow joined him. That’s true love.

26-12-14_15-21Snow is already more than six months pregnant. When will the baby arrive? And does her belly look larger than the first time?

26-12-14_15-28Meanwhile, Philip spends some quality time with his daughter, Cinderella, helping her with her homework.

26-12-14_15-34The new babies are born! This time, Snow and Philip got two twin girls: Adelaide, who has the Whiz Kid aspiration with Slob as trait, and Helena who wants to be a Social Butterfly and has the Gloomy trait.

26-12-14_15-34-2Here is Snow hugging Adelaide. She’s so thrilled with her new baby.

26-12-14_15-44The twins need a room of their own. The theme color for their room is green. Doesn’t it look cute? They also have a crafts table, which Cinderella uses for her creative ability.

26-12-14_15-58Oh no! The twins have only just been born, and already Philip and Snow are at it again. At this rate, they won’t have seven children but seventeen!

What will happen next? Will Philip and Snow get pregnant again? How will things with Adelaide and Helena? Will Cinderella get along with her sisters?

Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 2

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

The last time we left Snow Charming, she was charming the heck out of Philip. They even shared their first kiss. Things got a little more passionate after that.

26-12-14_10-38And then Snow suggested they take things to the bedroom and try to make a baby. Philip, overwhelmed by Snow’s charms, simply couldn’t refuse.

26-12-14_10-38-3Love is in the air…

26-12-14_10-40Check out her belly! Snow just found out she’s pregnant. She also needs a shower desperately, so she’s not as overjoyed with the news.

26-12-14_10-48During breakfast the morning after, Snow asks Philip to move in with her. She also tells him about her pregnancy – a little scared how he might react. But Philip is over the moon, and not only does he wants to move in, he also loves his unborn child.

26-12-14_10-50Poor Snow suffered from morning sickness, and had to clean the toilet afterwards. She enjoys being pregnant, but throwing up isn’t one of her favorite parts about it.

Meanwhile, Philip got a job as a programmer. With a baby on the way, both Snow and Philip have to pitch in to make ends meet.

26-12-14_10-55Now Philip moved in, a bunch of his friends came by to wish him congratulations on finding a girlfriend, and on making a baby. Some of them joked it was a miracle Philip found his perfect match. Snow felt a little left out, and instead she focused on reading a book for work.

26-12-14_12-48After they left, Philip decided to make some time for Snow and gave her a back massage. She loved it.

26-12-14_12-54Philip decided now was the best time to ‘pop’ the question, before the baby was born. He got down on one knee and asked Snow to marry him. She said ‘yes’!

26-12-14_12-54-3Snow was so thrilled about Philip’s proposal she jumped into his arms, with no regard for her pregnant belly whatsoever.

26-12-14_13-23With the new baby underway, and Philip moving in and bringing 20,000 simoleans to the household, Snow and Philip renovated the house and added an extra floor.

26-12-14_13-29After coming home from work, and getting promoted from writing assistant to blogger, Snow decided to celebrate by playing the violin. Her belly expanded quickly, and she’s now almost nine months pregnant.

26-12-14_13-39The baby is due any moment now. Meanwhile, Snow is starving. She’s already had dinner, and now she wants yoghurt afterward. Hopefully the baby will be there soon.

26-12-14_13-59The baby is born! Cinderella Charming, the first child of Snow and Philip was born today. She looks adorable.

26-12-14_13-59-2Snow hugs her daughter for the first time.

26-12-14_14-00When Philip comes home from work, he rushes to his daughter’s crib right away. He’s so happy to meet his firstborn and heir!

With the birth of Cinderella Charming, Snow and Philip started their own legacy. Let’s see what more adventures they’ll have in the future.

Disney Legacy Challenge, Generation One

Disney Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 – Part 1

I’m participating in the Disney Legacy Challenge for the Sims 4. You can find the guidelines for the challenge here.

I’m working on the first generation now, which has the following rules:
Generation 1: Snow White “I’m wishing for the one I love to find me today”
Founders have humble beginnings, so what’s better than Snow White? To start, create Snow White. Storytellers may create her as a teenager and make her evil stepmother, but this is not a requirement. When Snow White becomes a young adult, this story begins.
– Must be female
– Must have 7 children (dwarfs)
– Each child must have one bad trait (e.g Gloomy)
– Each child must have the same baby daddy
– Each child must complete their Aspiration and/or get an A in school
– Snow may never answer the door to strangers or talk to elderly women

Now, let the story begin.

26-12-14_9-02Snow Charming is ready to conquer the world! After moving out and saying goodbye to her evil stepmother (hopefully forever), she was low on funds, but she did have enough to purchase a cozy, homey cottage just big enough for two. Snow was all alone at the moment, but she was already on the lookout for her Prince Charming, and had no doubt he would show up soon.

26-12-14_9-22Inside, the cottage had some adorable furniture, including a couch, a comfy chair, a bathroom with bubblebath and a cozy kitchen. Snow loved all the cute details! She even had her own TV!

26-12-14_9-23After watching TV for a while, Snow crawled into bed. She loved her brand new bed!

26-12-14_9-26The next morning, Snow cooked for the first time. It was quite the experience, but she didn’t burn anything down, thank god!

26-12-14_9-30In an effort to make some new friends, Snow dropped by her neighbor’s house. She hoped to meet some cute guys, but only the lady of the house was home. They did talk for a while because leaving at once would’ve been rude, and the woman seemed friendly enough. She lived in a fancy house, but Snow wouldn’t trade her cottage for anything in the world, not even a house this fancy.

26-12-14_9-32After visiting the neighbors, Snow decided to head to the park. On the way, she met a guy. Snow was a little nervous to talk to him, but she tried her best to be friendly anyway. The guy was named Paul, but he had a mean streak though. Snow decided to stay away from him.

26-12-14_9-48At the park, Snow met a few new friends and played chess. She loved chess, and talking with new people. Unfortunately there seemed no eligible bachelors around.

26-12-14_9-52Snow decided to have lunch at the park, and she shared the table with some other folks, being friendly and sociable.

26-12-14_10-03Back home after a long day at the park, Snow cooked her second meal ever – macaroni with cheese. She also got a job as a writer’s assistant, so that had to be celebrated. She called one of the guys she met at the park, and invited him over after dinner. He said yes!

26-12-14_10-05Poor Snow. Here she thought she met her Prince Charming, Philip, but turns out he’s a giant nerd. He came over to her house and sat down behind the computer right away, almost completely ignoring her. Snow didn’t give up though, she kept on flirting with him even though it turned awkward every now and then.

26-12-14_10-08Snow was so exhausted she went to sleep, but still Philip kept on playing. He stayed all night…talk about rude.

26-12-14_10-25In the morning, Philip was more sociable though. After a nap on the couch, he joined Snow for breakfast.

26-12-14_10-19They even had a conversation in the living room, and Philip showed his enthusiastic side.

26-12-14_10-33Snow had to take the lead though. She flirted like a pro, even “yawning” and putting her arm around Philip’s shoulders.

26-12-14_10-37Some flirting later, Snow and Philip shared their first kiss. It was the first kiss for both of them. True fairytale romance!

What will happen next to Snow and Philip? Will they fall in love? Will they get married? How about babies? Stay tuned for part two to find out more!